From 2004 to 2024, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded the seven Regional Genetics Networks, the National Coordinating Center for the Regional Genetics Networks, and the National Genetics Education and Family Support Center.

With the conclusion of funding, the evaluation efforts of the system have ended. This page will not include data for the final funding year (2023-2024).

Connecting People to Genetic Services

The RGNs work with providers, patients, public health, hospitals, family organizations, and more partners to connect people with genetic services.

The Regional Genetics Networks (RGNs) work with partners to help people access genetic services, which include counseling, testing, education, follow-up care, and more.

Specifically, the system focuses on individuals from underserved populations. We use zip code data to determine if an individual or provider comes from an underserved area as defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). To learn more about our data collection and evaluation program, please click here.

Below is data related to the number of people helped through RGN-support to access genetic services.

Our Previous Year (June 2022-May 2023)

People Served

The RGNs help people gain access to genetic services through one-on-one outreach, helping provide salary support to clinics, assisting patients in making genetics appointments, and much more.

In Year 6 (June 2022-May 2023), the system reached 1,828 people. RGNs designed programs to help connect people with genetic services, which included, but were not limited to NERGN’s work with Family Voices in New England, NYMAC’s clinic support in New York and Maryland, and MGN’s Innovation Award recipients.

Trends from June 2017-May 2023

Over the last six years, the RGNs have been working on increasing access to genetic services by building connections between people and the genetic service delivery system.

Programs that have been implemented in more than one funding year include HRGN’s Family Network Program, MSRGN’s Genetic Navigators, and WSRGN’s Genetics Resource Education and Advocacy Tool (GREAT).

Connecting People to Genetic Services

Number of people connected to genetic services from Years 1-5

82.6% (n=4,730) of people who provided their zip code and were connected to genetic services were identified as coming from underserved areas from June 2017 to May 2023. 

Last Updated on June 25, 2024